WT Center in Copenhagen is the headquarters of WingTsun Scandinavia
and the oldest Wing Tsun school in Denmark.



Chief instructors at WT Center are Dai Sifu Allan Enderberg Jensen who has practiced and taught Wing Tsun since 1976, when Wing Tsun was first introduced in Denmark, and Sifu Lars Murholt who received his Master grade in 2014.

Along with Dai Sifu Allan Enderberg Jensen and Sifu Lars Murholt, 21 experienced instructors and assistants cover several training sessions daily.


See all the instructor profiles HERE

‘WT Center
the source to Wing Tsun in Denmark’

‘More than 40 years
in Denmark’


At WT Center we have sessions available all week, morning and evening. We have sessions for everyone, Intro/special sessions for beginners, advanced students, and a session for women only.
We also have our Wing Tsun Dragons. – just for kids.


See the schedule and session descriptions HERE

‘Wing Tsun Academy
4 hours every weekday’


WT Center København is also home to the Wing Tsun Acdemy, where students can train full time – up to 20 hours a week, 4 hours a day, under personal guidance from some of the most experienced instructors in Denmark.
Since we opened WT Academy in 1995 hundreds of students have earned their instructor’s diploma.

So even in this sense, WT Center is the source to Wing Tsun in Denmark.

It is possible to start your training at WT Academy, whenever you want, as the education is individual. We take you on from where you are, bring you forward and enhance your knowledge. There are no prerequisites for joining. If you are unable to spend the full amount of time at WT Academy, it is possible to use it as a supplement to your regular training either part time or for a week, to accelerate your experience, whenever you have the time.


Read more about WT Academy HERE

‘300 years of experience
               in 40 weeks’

‘When you train
            your skills evolve’


We always have the annual schedule ready on the website on January 1st. Amongst the over 20 seminars and summer camps, we have grading/graduation seminars and specialty seminars, where students concentrate on the correct and effective anatomical structure of Wing Tsun.

See our seminar schedule HERE


An additional aid to our members is found in our comprehensive online compendium, known as Darwin Tsun.
The compendium allows you to see your grading/graduation syllabus. It also contains pictures, videos, illustrative summaries of the complete Wing Tsun System.

It is meant as a supplement to your practical experience, which you get, when you show up at our training sessions.


Check out Darwintsun.com HERE

‘Wing Tsun is simple, direct and effective’

‘Welcome to

Remember !!


You are always welcome to join us for one free introduction/session.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email, or simply come by for a chat at WT Center


See schedule for Introduction sessions and our Contact data HERE.

We look forward to seeing you at WT Center!



Dai Sifu

‘Many mile journey -
         Take first step’

‘Wing Tsun builds self esteem’



Find us HERE


WT  Center  Copenhagen

Østbanegade 55  -  2100 Kbh.ø  -  +45 33313672


Allan Jensen
+45  20 88 83 71


Lars Murholt
+45  30 12 18 06



Arb. Landsbank: 5358 - 0000243701     Mobile Pay: 305350

FaceBook:  Wing Tsun.dk    -     darwintsun.com



Østbanegade  55